Adobe ExtendScript
Running scripts for ADobe Illustrator
Debugging Ubuntu / NVidia / CUDA / PyTorch relations
My notes on debugging GPU-related issues
Render mesh with per-vertex color
Suppose you want to render a mesh with per-vertex data (e.g. temperature). The simplest way to do so is to use "vertex color" property and plug it in the BSDF settings in Blender. Let me show you how.
🇺🇦 Ukrainian scholars are welcomed in North America
If you want to continue your research in USA or Canada, take a look here.
Adversarial Art
Updated list of artists doing art by adversarial attacks. With examples!
Naive pointcoud visualization in Blender
Piece of code to load a pointcloud data in Blender
CVPR selected workshops
Personal connection of CVPR 2021 workshops and papers