Adobe ExtendScript
So Adobe offers a possibility to write scripts for their products: Extendscript docs
I used it for my project on sketch vectorization, to get a large dataset of drawings. The idea is to take simple drawings in vector format and render (rasterize) them with artistic brushes from Adobe Illustrator.

They even offer a debug environment, although it’s quite old: ExtendScript Toolkit
Warning: Illustrator gives no respect to
files. I ended up adding invisible frame (with width 0 and transparent color) to know the exact dimensions of svg file to center it properly in script itself.
Last year I was generating that data by manually clicking “run” once every 500 images. Awful decision.
Now I’m old and wise, I wrote a bash batch script to do it for me. Was it nice? No.
To run your script from shell command use "path_to_toolkit.exe" -run "path_to_script.jsx"
"C:\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\ExtendScript Toolkit.exe" -run "C:\style.jsx"

Now in order to prevent Illustrator asking “You sure you want to run it?” you need to place your script in a trusted directory.
Just move “.jsx” file with script to Documents/Adobe Scripts
. So reliable, so trustworthy, have fun with paths.
Finally, batch script. Long story short:
@echo off
for /L %%n in (1,1,10) do (
echo %%n
START /WAIT "" "C:\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\ExtendScript Toolkit.exe" -run "C:\Users\ivanp\Documents\Adobe Scripts\stylize.jsx"""
timeout 120
required so that this command at least waits until Illustrator is opening before running to the next line -
timeout 120
waits for 120 seconds before contunuing loop. Why 120? Manual measure. Batch scripts are wild.
Maybe in a year I will become even wiser and find a better solution.
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